Well, the tide came in last night. Not into our apartment, but it missed by less than a centimetre.

Shop assistants and restauranteurs had been telling us that last night would be a king tide of some surprising level all day, so Cath and I decided to head out to St Marks square (one of the lowest places in Venice, apparently) to see it for ourselves. We left around 9:30, and since we knew that the tide would still be coming in until around midnight, expected that we would have to head home without too much delay, and with the possibility of dampness.

Indeed, in the hour or two that we were out, the Aqua came in another three inches or so, and several of the paths that we took were blocked by water. At first we manoeuvred around them, but finally we just pressed on and our shoes got a bit wet. We could just about walk up Calle Moretti dry, but there had been some ankle-deep wading to get there.

By midnight our street was awash too, but it didn’t quite come in, so: whew! The photo of the marble doorstep is ours, taken around midnight from the doorway. The other shots are just views of the flood as we walked around between our place and St Marks.

View of the Aqua Alta at its peak, from our doorstep.
View from the doorway of our apartment at midnight.