Category: Trip report
16 August: Macaws to tree tops
According to the running sheet for the day, we had a skiff ride for bird watching in the morning, and in the late afternoon we went on a forest canopy walk.
More photos from the Amazon – First day hike
The first day’s outings were a morning walk in the forest, along the Marañón river. In the afternoon I took up a free spot on a kayak for a paddle, while Cath relaxed (on-board sleeping was easy and plentiful!)
14 August – to Iquitos on the Amazon and the Delfin
Iquitos is in the middle of the Amazon jungle, connected to the outside world only by the river and by air. There are no roads in or out. Lima and the cities of Peru are to the west, across the Andes, so it is unlikely that there will ever be a road or rail link. …
Well, that was Peru
Well, that was Peru. Had to wake up at 04:00 this morning, to get ready for an 08:37 flight to Santiago. All went well with the transfer from the hotel, and the check-in at the airport, although there was a good deal more standing around, waiting, than expected. I’m currently sitting in the second last…
Some photos from the Amazon
After several days of not getting the workflow right, and being confused by a mysterious error in uploading (that I now suspect may be the result of insuffient permissions in FireFox at this end), I have resized and uploaded a handful of photos from the Amazon part of the journey. Story about the Amazon, a…
Settling in at Titicaca – taking it easy to acclimatise to altitude
I haven’t been doing very well with the travel blogging yet, have I? We’ve had an eventful week on the steaming Amazon on board the Delfin II and I haven’t posted a single photo or even a story! In my defence, there were no radio waves, and no time to write. In the nature of…
Arrived Safely in Lima
Getting to the airport in Sydney as early as we did turned out not to be too helpful, although it probably did help a little with the Sydney traffic. The check in counters for our flight didn’t open until 08:00 anyway. Well, they did open a few minutes early, and at least we were close…
Less than a week until blast-off again!
This time we are headed for South America, specifically Chile and Peru. The plan is (roughly): Peruvian Amazon Lake Titikaka (3812m: beware of altitude sickness – hope the tablets work) Cusco and Machu Picchu (2430m) Atacama Desert (2407m) Santiago and Valparaíso Rapa Nui (aka Easter Island) Chiloé Patagonia That means that we need to pack…
Home again
Quick place holder to let everyone know that we made it home without much grief or incident. There are a backlog of half written stories and many days of photos to catch up on, and we hope to get around to that over the next few days, as we recover from time zone differences, piles…
Hurtigruten – Tromsø to Kirkness
The trip back from Lyngen to Tromsø was longish, if uneventful. Besides the driver, we were accompanied back to town by one of the young (Australian) staff, who needed to get some tax-related paperwork sorted out, so that they could pay her. Even though it was “day light” (really civil twilight, but brighter than night)…