Spot of Aurora photography last night

The forecast was for a clear night and strong-ish aurora activity, so we booked the last couple of seats on an aurora-spotting service that would take us to a good viewing spot away from the lights of the city. Downside of last minute preparations was that the pick-up time was earlier than we had hoped, and we feared that it would cut into our dinner booking. Luckily (?) for us, the restaurant (that had sent us a reminder email the day before) had clearly been closed for several months, no doubt because of the major roadworks going on outside, making vehicular access difficult. So we walked up the road to an interesting-looking brew pub, had some interesting beers and dinner, and made our pick-up easily.

I’ll add more images as I get to them, but this one is the first “keeper” that I’ve come across. Unfortunately, the group had footled by the roadside for a while when the first whisps of aurora showed, just after dark, when the sky was still too light for a good photo. So by the time we got to the intended viewing spot, in full dark, with the sky going off like a disco above us, we were (well, I was) still assembling tripods and fiddling with camera settings. So we missed some of the better bits. It qieted down quite a lot after that, but even so some of the quiet displays were pretty interesting. Chalk it up to experience and inadequate preparation. Still, the show was good.


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