A bit cloudier, weaker aurora (pink!)

Tuesday we had a lazy morning, nearly missing breakfast. Probably a result of sleeping well after getting very cold down by the lake the night before. Sat around catching up on the internet and relaxing.

It was pretty overcast, so the views were more monochrome than on Monday, but we each went out for walks to look at the woods up the hill behind the lodge. I found a sled-dog compound. Hard to miss actually: just follow the excited dog sounds: they were clearly gearing up for a sled ride. Sure enough while I was standing there two teams of dogs and their attached sleds wooshed out of the gate, both gone too quickly for me to catch with the camera.

In the afternoon we were keeping our eye on the “lights-over-lapland” web camera, to see if there were aurora, but hardly any to speak of. Early in the evening some interesting mostly-pink aurora appeared above the mountain to the North of the lodge. We dashed out to the helipad flat behind the lodge to take its photo. Not very strong, but I don’t think that I’ve seen a persistently pink aurora like that before. Wonder what caused it to be like that? Didn’t last very long and didn’t get any stronger, so we packed up and went back to the lounge.

A bit later on there was a commotion in the lounge as someone had spotted a big display. We rushed to grab our gear, just in time to catch the last few seconds. That’s been something of the story on this trip: the strong displays have been very short: sometimes only seconds. Still, we’ve seen them.


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